4 Types Of Grinding Machines You Need To Add To Your Shop

Posted on: 25 October 2018


Grinding is a critical process in many construction projects. Machines that are capable of grinding down a variety of materials can diversify the services your shop is able to offer construction clients in the future.

Many people make the mistake of thinking that a single grinding machine is sufficient. Investing in specialized grinding machines will help you reduce processing times and provide greater results for your construction clients. You should consider adding the following grinders to your shop. 

1. Sliding Gap-Bed Grinder

Some projects require grinding over a large surface diameter. When a large diameter is required, but the length of the surface is minimal, then a sliding gap-bed grinder is the best machine for the job.

These machines are designed specifically for short-length projects. They can cover a lot of space in a minimal amount of time, allowing you to quickly grind out large-diameter projects with ease.

2. Surface Grinder

There are some instances where the finish on a project matters. Construction components that will be visible once the project is complete must be aesthetically pleasing. This typically means that any components which are ground using a machine must have a smooth and flat surface.

The best machines for these types of grinding jobs are surface grinders. A surface grinder can be paired with both metal and non-metal components to leave behind an attractive and smooth surface once the grinding process is complete.

3. Vertical Rotary Grinder

If you want to grind down large components (like heavy castings or large plates), you need a grinding machine that will maximize the efficiency of your grinds. A vertical rotary grinder is built to maximize the amount of contact between the grinding wheel and the raw materials being worked with.

More wheel contact means a faster and more efficient grind. Vertical rotary grinders also offer the added benefit of taking up a minimal amount of space within your shop.

4. Internal Grinders

It isn't always the outside surfaces of a component that need to be ground down for maximum performance. For projects where the grinding of a component's internal diameter is required, you will need access to an internal grinder.

An internal grinder can be programmed to run using instructions received from a computer model, or it can be manually operated for maximum control over the grinding process. Being able to grind both interior and exterior diameters with the right grinding machines will allow you to expand the services your shop can offer.

For more information about these machines, contact grinding machine manufacturers near you.